Smoky Quartz + Sandalwood

Smoky Quartz -One of the most powerful grounding stones -Dispels negative thoughts and feelings -Relieves discomfort with tension and headaches Sandalwood -Sandalwood is a beautiful, serene stone that has been used for centuries for its healing properties.

$ 24.00 USD

Smoky Quartz Meaning

  • Protection
  • Creativity
  • Earth
  • Growth
  • Cleansing

Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding stone that can help to dispel negative thoughts and feelings. It is also known for its ability to relieve some discomfort, tension, and a cloudy mind. This beautiful stone has a rich brown color with hints of grey and black, and it is streaked with white quartz veins. When combined with sandalwood, it creates a truly unique and stunning piece that is perfect for any home or office.

Sandalwood Meaning

  • Peace
  • Focus
  • Balance
  • Positivity
  • Hope

Sandalwood is a beautiful, serene stone that is perfect for those who are looking to calm the mind and relieve stress. This stunning stone has been used for centuries for its healing properties, and is still revered today as an excellent tool for meditation and relaxation. The sweet, woody scent of sandalwood is also said to aid in concentration and focus, making it the perfect addition to any yoga or meditation practice.

Why you should wear Smoky Quartz + Sandalwood together?

  • Most Powerful stones
  • Less tension
  • Less physical discomfort
  • Protector against negative energy and thoughts
  • Calm the mind
  • Relives Stress
  • Used for Meditation

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