A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. There is no magic formula to write perfect ad copy; it is based on a number of factors, including ad placement, demographic, even the consumer’s mood when they see your ad.
So how is any writer supposed to pen a stunning piece of advertising copy — copy that sizzles and sells? The following tips will jumpstart your creative thinking and help you write a better ad.
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Multi-Stone (aka Wellness Bracelet): Includes Sunstone, Fancy Jasper, Moonstone, Citrine, Rose Quartz, and Blue Aventurine. Various stones to promote balanced emotions, manifestation, abundance, new beginnings, creativity, and self love. Rosewood Diffuser Beads for essential oils.
A powerful protection stone that enhances self-discipline and determination - Helps form a shield around one's aura - Strong healing energy
Blue Aventurine: A stone of inner strength and self-discipline; Can be helpful for one to overcome sabotaging behaviors and negative habits; Can be helpful with balancing hormones.
Moonstone + Amazonite + Rosewood: New beginnings and growth - Soothing and harmony. Rosewood Diffuser Beads for essential oils.
Fluorite -Highly protective and stabilizing -Promotes mental clarity -Helps with concentration and memory -Releases negative thought patterns and helps to stay in the present moment Amethyst -Soothing and promotes emotional balance -Promotes healing and inner peace -Highly protective from negative energy
Rose Quartz : A stone for enhancing love. Love for yourself and love for others. Aids in healing a broken heart and restoring trust.
Labradorite: Protects against negative energy and enhances spirituality. Moonstone: A stone of new beginnings and helps one connect with the Divine Feminine. Rosewood Diffuser Beads for essential oils.
Smoky Quartz -One of the most powerful grounding stones -Dispels negative thoughts and feelings -Relieves discomfort with tension and headaches Sandalwood -Sandalwood is a beautiful, serene stone that has been used for centuries for its healing properties.